Dedê is married to Shane , has a 337 day old daughter named Elise and a 266 day old son named Jorge , and has a pet cat named Arthas.
Farm horse: Carpeado
4 White Chickens: Pintadinha , Twitter , Zuzu , Magricela
1 Void Chicken: Relam
2 Ducks: Donald , Quackito
1 Rabbit: Pernalonga
3 Brown Chickens: Chica , Piuzinho , Carijó
5 White Cows: Britney , Itambé , Filomena , Tutse , Piracanjuba
5 Brown Cows: Mimosinha , Mococa , Kelly , Elegê , Mimosa
4 Pigs: Bacurinho , Peppa , Pepega , Piggie
2 : Frida , Emma
1 Goat: Girlene
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