Yusuf is married to Abigail , has no children, and has a pet dog named Kuçu Kuçu.
Farm horse: Çuf Çuf
3 Blue Chickens: Bullick , Baticka , Grockabella
3 Void Chickens: z , x , y
3 White Chickens: Pumbus , Cilbert , Ramley
3 Brown Chickens: Gubba , Tanny , Galbert
6 Brown Cows: Mipie , Linano , Lanello , Frickina , Prartie , Snonabell
6 White Cows: Prena , Lungus , Mem , Lamabella , Prillard , Frinnie
12 Pigs: C$^#* , Snupabella , Murto , Nungus , Frarti , Portody , Prash , Truturt , Tecke , Bilbert , Brickard , Saishe
12 Ducks: Zitsell , Frack , Brecka , Grinnie , Pitsa , Sirters , Fong , Fetsurt , Cheppo , Wubbie , Sack , Pepley
12 Goats: Trasanie , Mime , Wirto , Jitsurt , Wella , Gi-Gi , Tronell , Nutsoo , Kitsie , Braki , Rickard , Leffe
12 Sheeps: Sucka , Kirto , Brinana , Rus , Grash , Kosi , Gisie , Fimu , Lenanie , Brona , Jasanie , Brullley
3 Dinosaurs: FriFri , Mase , Jise
12 Rabbits: Pash , Fotanie , Mupo , Willard , Late , Prus , Sesita , Grosley , Ponoze , Lesie , Wope , Wuters
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