kemal is married to İrem , has a 127 day old daughter named Lila and a 31 day old son named Lewis , and has a pet cat named Çiko.
Farm horse: şahbatur
4 Ducks: Marx , Engels , nietzsche , darwin
4 White Chickens: Kemal , Shota , Prurt , Shernard
3 Rabbits: Fusabella , Bepie , Liti
4 Brown Chickens: İrem , Allah , muhammed , Motabo
1 Dinosaur: Mike
4 Sheeps: Tello , Rona , Rertu , Riku
4 Goats: Sümeyye , Emine , Bilal , Erdoğan
4 Pigs: Socco , Bracko , Fese , Brusi
6 White Cows: Gash , Junizor , hatice , Gurt , Shetchley , Mert
6 Brown Cows: aişe , Pane , Tucka , Nacku , Apo , Rorta
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