kemal is married to İrem , has a 4 day old son named hamilton , and has a pet dog named coco.
Farm horse: Dül Dül
2 Ducks: ademoğlu , leo
9 Brown Chickens: kemiş , çiko , aliş , Zernard , salak kemal , Tumio , Laboo , Bello , şişko irem
9 White Chickens: çemal , iroş , flu , şişko kemal , aptal kemal , Nupo , Grina , Zusu , Litcha
2 Dinosaurs: haydar , şukufe
2 Rabbits: tatlı irem , tatlı kemal
8 Goats: iremcik , Koka , lo , irem , inatçı kemal , hera , inatçı irem , Gony
3 Sheeps: leyloş , şişko efe , lewis
1 Pig: kemalimm
6 Brown Cows: öküz , deneme , Ali , öküz kemal , Munabella , Zetcho
6 White Cows: uslu , kemal , GraGra , Shatrina , Gruke , Fanu
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