Sujoi is married to Shane , has a 521 day old daughter named Kerfuffle and a 420 day old son named Indubbidubbily , and has a pet cat named Doggi.
Farm horse: Clasic Horse
1 Void Chicken: Edgy
1 Blue Chicken: Shane
1 Dinosaur: Stogi
1 White Chicken: Poyito
2 Rabbits: Bune , Fwuffers
1 Duck: Quack
1 Brown Chicken: Peyito
9 Pigs: Boop , Kirby , Chanchito , Boing , Beep , Poyo , Rept , Poing , Ray
3 Goats: Maaah , Sne , Tohma
2 : Birb , Honsers
2 White Cows: Moo , Whittles
3 Sheeps: Rona , Honse , Horse
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