Arual is married to Sam , has a 476 day old son named Luca and a 408 day old daughter named Flower , and has a pet dog named Sebba.
Farm horse: Saphira
5 Rabbits: Stampe , Kaninsteg , Habermas , kaninsteg , Qty
3 Ducks: Andesteg , And , Gert
1 Blue Chicken: Rylle
1 Void Chicken: Eragon
2 Dinosaurs: Lizzy , Nobel
40 Pigs: Potter? , Pikketty , Hume , Løgstrup , Demokrit , Berkly , EU , Kant , Spinoza , R2D2 , Decartes , Starlord , Pikachu , Food , Bonanza , Newton , Keynes , Aristoteles , Montesquieu , John Locke , Sokrates , Minerva , Honneth , Weber , Friedman , Molin , Burke , Easton , Franklin , Andrea , HC Ørsted , Hawking , Watt , Schrödlinger , Thomas Yong , Daem , Galilei , Edison , Einstein , New Heights
2 Goats: Hora unge , Kirkegaard
1 : Critical role
1 Brown Cow: !&$^%#*
1 White Cow: Hopewhite
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All Stardew Valley assets copyright Concerned Ape