Myntie is married to Emily , has a 210 day old daughter named Chongus and a 56 day old son named Jongus , and has a pet dog named Poggers.
Farm horse: Horse
7 Goats: Fitsono , Binkus , Nutte , Trubbie , Bonkus , Spleemus , Scrimble
4 Pigs: Grozzy , Wurtley , Bobo , Grutsi
1 Brown Cow: Chilly
1 Brown Chicken: Chenito
3 Ducks: Grunk , Sneffe , Dinglebop
1 White Chicken: Houseus
2 Dinosaurs: Zumby , Fred
2 Rabbits: Bibble , Strinkaringus
3 Void Chickens: Spookems , Snutchers , 5
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