Vic is married to Leah , has no children, and has a pet cat named Shai.
Farm horse: Frank
15 Pigs: Teteo , Pedrinho , Teteco , mylovesgon , Driquinho , Pimpolho , Missil , Fed Sheeran , Paulinho , Vinini , Nino , Chico , Megatron , Bento , Christopher
2 Brown Cows: Brita , Beth
5 Goats: Didi , Bebê , Nenê , Tecaa , Fafá
2 Void Chickens: LeBronJames , LeLeJames
1 Duck: Quakito
1 Dinosaur: Danoninho
1 Rabbit: Jojo
3 Brown Chickens: Popó , Victor , Tony
1 White Chicken: Mimi
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