Cauã is married to Niva , has a 459 day old son named Aegis < and a 389 day old daughter named Melanie , and has a pet cat named Nini.
6 Ducks: Nx Zero , Bury , Restart , Cine , Fresno , The light
1 Rabbit: Lola
3 White Chickens: Lindinha , Pitica , Shamina
3 Brown Chickens: Pituquinha , Gone , Nulle
2 : GOKU , Watch
7 Goats: Sussie , Giga , CR7 , Chad , Bano , Cabrinha jr , Truffy
1 Sheep: and zé
2 Void Chickens: goku black , Pituco
4 Dinosaurs: SoryeGeTon , Yone , Hasagi , Yasuo
4 Brown Cows: Snernard , Docinho , Wenabell , Kodo
4 Pigs: pig , peppa , Zizz , Oinc
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