Sam is married to Leah , has a 463 day old daughter named Freya and a 375 day old son named Jonah , and has a pet dog named Biscuit.
Farm horse: Seabiscuit
2 Brown Chickens: Clucks , Marley
3 White Chickens: Yogurt , Randy , Cottage
4 Void Chickens: Whizz , Doom-badore , Ladybug , Sicko
2 White Cows: Brady , Milk Dud
3 Sheeps: Hairry , Jutu , Burt
3 Brown Cows: Ca-bell , Rigatoni , Mooer
4 Goats: Goatee , Gritsers , Wumbus , Bro
2 : Grouch , Dee
6 Pigs: Peppa , Urmom , Frupo , Oinks , Gack , Frokabell
4 Ducks: Ritch , Alflack , Gu , Jitchley
3 Rabbits: Trix , Sneckardo , Chuffy
4 Dinosaurs: Tremo , Bellaboo , Jutsu , Yoshi
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