Lancelot is married to Penny , has a 889 day old son named Tristan and a 805 day old daughter named Jade , and has a pet dog named Snow.
Farm horse: Guru Guru
1 Rabbit: Chuchu
5 Ducks: Lodo , Nika , Catsu , Fióri , Nem
14 : Torta , Petch , Frepo , Shin , Fresca , Lil' linus , morna , Zullu , Bobo , Japa , baba , gold , sliver , Zenito
2 Brown Chickens: Poka , Chirley
1 White Chicken: Bubbie
7 White Cows: Shine , Gamu , Lara , Gisele , Pike , Casa , Lala
4 Goats: Bollie , Thea , Billy , Balalove
1 Brown Cow: Patty
9 Dinosaurs: Dina , Ana.sergeeva , Liza , Arina , Alina , Ma.Barisova , Anna , Ma.Podeba , Akatyeva
4 : Wella , Wumbus , Freppo , uel uel
2 Sheeps: Tike , Jetsu
6 Pigs: Lutabell , Fillo , Ms.Loki , GruGru , willy , Sminy
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