Azim is married to Leah , has a 294 day old son named Ali and a 212 day old daughter named Isabel , and has a pet cat named Casper.
Farm horse: Roach
4 Rabbits: Jorti , Pusurt , Jutley , Bipo
2 Dinosaurs: Nus , Losibo
1 Void Chicken: Nalbert
1 Brown Chicken: Chona
2 Ducks: Sheffe , Beffe
1 White Chicken: Brutumo
1 : Lussie
6 : Grunu , Rungus , Frekoze , Shilly , Prellley , Snomley
1 White Cow: Batchers
2 Pigs: Lona , Basper
1 Brown Cow: Snimsy
2 Goats: Sni , Trirda
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