Rosie is married to Sebastian , has a 149 day old daughter named Nova , and has a pet cat named Maeva.
Farm horse: Rem
3 Blue Chickens: Berriwinkle , Blizzard , Beauty
3 White Chickens: Blossom , Bebe , Bonnie
2 Brown Chickens: Billie , Becca
2 Void Chickens: Blake , Blaze
3 Ducks: Callie , Clara , Carianne
5 Brown Cows: Missy , Eva , Goldie , Celeste , Silvie
4 Goats: Erin , Greta , Zara , Edie
2 Pigs: Pinky , Jonathan
1 Sheep: Lilia
7 Rabbits: Sawyer , Serenity , Shiloh , Sasha , Sally , Sammi , Simon
1 Dinosaur: Teef
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