Bree is married to Haley , has a 109 day old daughter named Gertrude and a 36 day old son named Cornelius , and has a pet cat named Bob.
Farm horse: Eduardo
2 Dinosaurs: Natsers , Noah
2 Rabbits: Luna , Prallley
5 Brown Chickens: Posers , Oli , Aster , Ryan , Casper
3 White Chickens: Raphy , Fran , Premo
4 Void Chickens: Zunony , <Mystic , Ji , Shalle
5 Ducks: Milly , Alex , Cutabella , Kit , Ganick
2 Sheeps: Truth , Susie
5 Pigs: Mama , Peppa , Cetch , Pork , Gumbo
2 White Cows: Miss Catfish , Mr . Catfish
5 Goats: Cow , Michael , Agneta , Hammer , Zacko
1 Brown Cow: Ruzina
1 Blue Chicken: Baby
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