Belle is married to Leah , has a 275 day old daughter named Lia and a 194 day old son named Cody , and has a pet cat named Krye .
Farm horse: Baby Monkey
3 Void Chickens: Void , X , Blue
2 Ducks: Lt. Lesbian , Willie
2 Brown Chickens: Ma , Shockabell
2 White Chickens: Chickstrap , Kurbie
1 Rabbit: Alone
2 Brown Cows: Pupukea , Belle
3 White Cows: Nikki , Anna , Layla
3 Goats: Kumbo , Solana , Snoop Dogg
3 : Zer , Moose , Nuggie
3 Dinosaurs: Monkie , Alex , Ja
2 Blue Chickens: Lynx , Wynx
3 Sheeps: Prackibo , Durante , Lexi
6 Pigs: Pinkalicious , Pumbus , Zimsy , Nicole , Natalie , Jungus
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