Andy is married to Sebastian , has a 222 day old son named Fraturt and a 135 day old daughter named Shurto , and has a pet dog named Gravy.
Farm horse: NeighNeigh
2 Ducks: Ketchley , Kusa
3 Void Chickens: Wolle , Shuse , yayman
5 Dinosaurs: Nena , Ramers , Cukers , Charizard , Wemody
1 Rabbit: Peter
1 White Chicken: Cucco
3 Pigs: Zemino , Freso , Praishe
5 Goats: Neppa , Frortu , Chasicka , Catrina , Fartass
1 Sheep: Shawn
2 White Cows: Sullie , Renley
1 Brown Cow: Falbert
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