ikwkms is married to Shane , has a 23 day old son named Walker , and has a pet dog named Honey.
Farm horse: Toucher
3 Brown Chickens: Ta-bell , Katness , Barte
1 Dinosaur: boobypants
4 Ducks: BeBe , Jomo , Fonie , Leno
8 Rabbits: Nilbert , Caku , Tra-bell , Frecka , Pus , Chillo , Prirdo , Gacko
2 Void Chickens: Pretse , Fenabo
8 Goats: Prullu , Fana , Shucka , Zu , Matrina , Zame , Proma , Brutsu
4 Brown Cows: Witsello , Tratumo , 787 , Troka
4 White Cows: Sneckardo , [787] , Nortu , Cenello
4 Pigs: Kella , Cello , Gutcho , Sarte
4 Sheeps: Peno , Gusa , Treckabell , Chenurt
1 White Chicken: Gritsa
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