Lia is married to Elliott , has a 620 day old daughter named Camellia and a 544 day old son named Jenu , and has a pet dog named Sunsun.
Farm horse: Kaeya
12 Pigs: Snumbo , Rackabell , Miri , Snetcho , Peggy Sue , Fitchi , Mimo , Trinu , Mesody , Nonina , Lunello , Fitsoda
9 Dinosaurs: Melizard , Elizardbeth , Clarizard , Donisare , Janley , Danosoar , Bi , Alyzard , Donasair
2 Ducks: Tumi , Bibi
1 Rabbit: Monay
8 : Zhongli , Mona , Auri , Gold , Reina , Lapis , Historia , Mora
1 Void Chicken: Melu
1 White Chicken: Josie
1 Blue Chicken: Smurfette
1 Brown Chicken: Cheryl
1 Brown Cow: Mooriah
7 : Ostricia , Trena , Ozzie , Tamie , Patrichia , Shenabell , Gitsaboo
1 Sheep: Zani
2 Goats: Margoat , Kambille
1 White Cow: Chunabella
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