Simer is married to Harvey , has a 197 day old son named teddy and a 116 day old daughter named Aleena , and has a pet cat named Niko.
Farm horse: tractor/19bee7c1ae47474c94cc49246b824eda
2 Ducks: duck , Duck
2 Void Chickens: blAck , void
1 White Chicken: luna
2 : chicken , Gold
2 Blue Chickens: [832][833][90] , [645][499]
2 Rabbits: bunny , rabbit
1 Brown Chicken: [889][890][2]
3 Goats: goat , goat#2 , Billy
1 : sway#2
5 White Cows: zuko , yandhi , wheezy baby , sway , $#^%* bess
2 Sheeps: sheep , Sora
2 Dinosaurs: Dino , green
5 Pigs: ittybittypiggy , haram , bacon , trishlikefish88 , truffle
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All Stardew Valley assets copyright Concerned Ape