yxw is married to Sebastian , has no children, and has a pet dog named STAN.
Farm horse: STAN
4 Ducks: 绿叶 , 瑶瑶 , 小灰 , 茶叶
2 Rabbits: 雪莉 , 梦洁
2 Dinosaurs: 卡米 , 小雾
1 Brown Chicken: 棉花糖
2 Void Chickens: 火花 , 布鲁
1 White Chicken: 樱桃
2 Goats: 纳香 , 美美
2 Brown Cows: 云朵 , 铃铛
6 Pigs: 仔仔 , 金豆 , 圆圆 , 喇叭 , 甜豆 , 山大
2 Sheeps: 洋洋 , 泡泡
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