Mell is married to Elliott , has a 141 day old son named Lawrence and a 54 day old daughter named Florence , and has a pet dog named Gemini.
Farm horse: Ramona
3 Brown Cows: Wani , Bertha , Bell
2 Goats: Ara , Sloane
2 Sheeps: Dam , Hurley
3 Pigs: Dawn , Waddles , Biskers
4 Brown Chickens: Frilla , Lella , Pirta , Nash
2 White Chickens: Chica , Cho
2 Void Chickens: Brisabain , Muni
4 Ducks: Purte , Jahee , Niana , Neppa
3 Rabbits: Pena , Flopsy , Bonnie
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