Mab is married to Leah , has a 94 day old son named Zack and a 7 day old daughter named Violet , and has a pet cat named Zeus.
4 Rabbits: Winana , Pollie , Chotchley , Ta
2 Brown Chickens: Prertu , Tubba
8 Ducks: Trete , Gropi , Tretsi , Bullanie , Parte , Grunoda , Moze , Jirdo
6 White Chickens: Kiskers , [337] , Wetsell , Che , Cicka , Breka
5 Brown Cows: Fratie , Sinana , Seffe , Proku , Prille
4 White Cows: Challley , Mony , Pute , Jekique
3 Goats: Jack , Lungus , Gesabell
4 Pigs: Gro , Sha , Cheku , Kitchu
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