Emily is married to Haley , has a 196 day old son named Fack and a 115 day old daughter named Cucko , and has a pet cat named Whizzles.
Farm horse: Other Coffee
4 Void Chickens: Rike , Chinono , Banny , Killard
2 Rabbits: Sep , Zinover
1 Brown Chicken: Wumbus
1 Duck: Sonie
1 Dinosaur: Chuti
1 White Chicken: Checke
3 Brown Cows: Shiskers , Wenumo , Relli
7 White Cows: Jello , Fonu , Jutsono , Grusie , Mozzy , Grotcho , Nortu
1 Sheep: Fusi
1 Goat: Challu
12 Pigs: Mutick , Rapono , Grepu , Rucki , Fena , Japu , Weffe , Feka , Bunabell , Kernard , Frukique , Sallley
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