Tacit is married to Haley , has a 583 day old daughter named Colette and a 508 day old son named Rustin , and has a pet dog named Yogi.
Farm horse: Cullie
1 Duck: Shu
18 Rabbits: Napa , Nicky , Wirdo , Shaishe , Snosita , Grune , Zetchu , Friskers , Masers , Likina , Fu , Goka , Woke , Talle , Canny , Nello , Puna , Ga
1 Dinosaur: Linurt
1 Brown Chicken: Zu
1 White Chicken: Trallo
1 Void Chicken: Nu
5 Pigs: Jisi , Chino , Basper , Kaso , Snetsie
2 White Cows: Wella , Trumia
1 Goat: Pumono
4 : Nupe , Chungus , Lollo , Preffe
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