JR is married to Penny , has a 231 day old daughter named Athena and a 149 day old son named J , and has a pet cat named Pumpkin.
Farm horse: Shadowmere
15 Pigs: Ruth , Bakugo , Trevor , Parsnip , Bushi , Doc , Ruth , Deku , Ra , Zoso , Line , Shu , Parsnip , Zosa , Ida
1 Void Chicken: Durotan
2 Brown Chickens: Col Kuster , Leia
2 White Chickens: Buckbeak , Sir Clucks
1 Dinosaur: Incubus
2 Rabbits: [74][114] , Momo
1 Goat: Fodder
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All Stardew Valley assets copyright Concerned Ape