연이 is married to Alex , has a 650 day old son named 레오 and a 559 day old daughter named 제니 , and has a pet dog named Cheddar.
Farm horse: Pruffy
1 Void Chicken: Ferley
2 Blue Chickens: 꼬꼬 , 푸
7 Ducks: 오즈 , 꽉꽉이 , 오레오 , Duckyy , Lirto , Ralle , Kiki
5 Rabbits: 토순이 , 투투 , 토토 , Kkikki , Toto
7 Brown Chickens: 노랑이 , 꾸꾸 , 아리 , Caramel , Coco , Brownie , Babe
8 : Brilla , Froze , Chene , tata , gigi , nikki , Grilbert , jojo
6 Pigs: Kasie , 꿀이 , Zella , Dondon , 꿀꿀이 , 꿀이
1 White Chicken: Snowy
1 Dinosaur: Mabamm
3 Brown Cows: Snabo , Bruta , So
1 White Cow: Dotty
6 Goats: 메에 , Shertley , 메메 , 메니 , Wato , 메에에
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