Sergio is married to Haley , has a 214 day old daughter named Allan and a 136 day old son named Zara , and has a pet cat named Gael.
Farm horse: Hades
2 Brown Chickens: Snellley , Grisi
2 Dinosaurs: Sitcha , Barney
4 Ducks: Kotsabell , Frosley , Nonurt , Brutcha
2 Rabbits: Jiki , Bremabo
2 White Chickens: Snus , Kack
1 Brown Cow: Rutsa
10 Pigs: Mockie , Grortu , Riskers , Choze , Bobo , Zeme , Grilbert , Prurta , Fraboo , Tukello
3 Goats: Snacko , Pronu , Sneffe
2 White Cows: Nillaboo , Meppo
6 : Aves , Feppo , Trato , Prepita , Sellaboo , Bimley
4 Blue Chickens: Gune , Potchu , blu , Minsy
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