Raphael is married to Haley , has a 111 day old daughter named SUika , and has a pet dog named SALAME.
Farm horse: pé de pano
1 : rica
1 Void Chicken: puto
1 Dinosaur: gugs
2 White Chickens: Trod , xupinga
1 Brown Chicken: Shicka
1 Rabbit: Shiners
1 Duck: Frucko
3 Brown Cows: Racko , Jirti , Grasko
1 White Cow: Peter
3 Goats: Sanny , Surtell , Feffe
5 Sheeps: Math , Bretch , Potsa , Kemello , Tellu
9 Pigs: Neku , Fella , Kellell , Latsa , POTATA , Nu , Lutcho , Sni , Ritchu
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