Heladio is married to Leah , has a 113 day old son named Mac and a 32 day old daughter named Ada , and has a pet dog named Gabigol.
Farm horse: Pocotó
4 Ducks: Pepe , Gremi , Pulley , Botsie
2 Rabbits: Nollabo , Kimsy
12 Void Chickens: Potcha , Sniters , Grurto , Ganody , Renicka , Gopa , Prutsi , Munabell , Fre , Pro , Tatche , Pitsu
13 Pigs: Lumibo , Snene , Grubba , Lerto , Chuka , Chubbie , Netu , Chackie , Waboo , Brerta , Kotchley , Griskers , Bricky
6 Goats: Wunu , Bubbie , Wacka , Bee , Shamello , Tuna
4 Brown Cows: Finano , Fremley , Zaishe , Shise
1 White Cow: Pusini
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