Cher is married to Sebastian , has a 223 day old son named Sylvie and a 130 day old daughter named Charlie , and has a pet cat named Miso.
Farm horse: Horace
4 Rabbits: Buneary , Cinderace , Lopunny , Scorbunny
1 Void Chicken: Vullaby
1 Duck: Quaxly
2 Dinosaurs: Tyranitar , Salamence
1 White Chicken: Combusken
1 Brown Chicken: Blaziken
1 Blue Chicken: Articuno
3 White Cows: Bebe , Bessie , Bcracker
6 Goats: Tongus , Chollley , Gongus , Brilbo , Shami , Chotu
1 Brown Cow: Becky
1 Sheep: Floofmaru
5 Pigs: Breckardo , Emboar , Bone , Brosicko , Wumbus
1 : Songus
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