Fall is married to Sebastian , has a 222 day old daughter named English and a 142 day old son named Katsuki , and has a pet dog named Negan.
Farm horse: Buttercup
3 Blue Chickens: Jax , Bishop , Major
5 Brown Chickens: Little Jerry , Bem , Karkat , Autumn , Sollux
1 Duck: Emory
1 White Chicken: Vincent
4 White Cows: Griffin , Gab , Letchers , Oppo
3 Brown Cows: Mosey , Newt , Bubba
2 Goats: Shiggy , Jello
1 Sheep: Floof
8 Pigs: Ripper , Oolong , Legsy , Fatgum , Brutus , Inosuke , Ms. Piggy , Jason
3 Void Chickens: Wolfgang , Daenarus , Dabi
1 Rabbit: Miriko
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