Hugo is married to Abigail , has a 453 day old son named Alfred and a 382 day old daughter named Emmi , and has a pet cat named gems.
Farm horse: Amadeus
5 Ducks: Piko , Vitus , Spatula , Hucklberry , Sawyer
1 Dinosaur: Troy
2 Rabbits: Toffie , Fluorite
3 Pigs: Titus , Magnus , Pigglet
3 Sheeps: Kant , Heidegger , Hegel
3 Goats: Gustav , Pünktchen , Anton
6 White Cows: Maude , Olek , Kiwi , Kosmo , Traube , Winnie
2 Brown Cows: Edwin , Herold
1 : Nachtigall
3 Brown Chickens: Stitch , Freitag , Penny
3 White Chickens: Clyde , Koko , Kurt
1 Void Chicken: Morris
1 Blue Chicken: Langa
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