jiro is unmarried, has no children, and has a pet cat named pearl.
Farm horse: aiguo
4 White Cows: jade , sachiko , dmitry , alexei
6 Goats: dante , ramses , capricornus , vévten , melo , liev karik
2 Brown Cows: katya , carina
3 Rabbits: li , west , june
4 Void Chickens: the goth one , marceline , odd , scorpius
3 Ducks: louie , gonda , octavia
4 White Chickens: sunshine , binbin , won , tyronè
2 Brown Chickens: white , may
4 Blue Chickens: jule , quinn , jass , blue
5 Pigs: marceline , pollo , mars , septima , petunia
4 Sheeps: luc , cene , lucy , daniel
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