Allistair is married to Sebastian , has a 319 day old son named Hadrian and a 207 day old daughter named Lis , and has a pet dog named Zha'Faris-Ah.
Farm horse: Zable Farh
4 Goats: Bakko , Beppo , Charlus , Capri
2 White Cows: Mu , Yu
2 Brown Cows: Fu , Zu
3 : Samsara , Sammael , Samara
6 Pigs: Mabelle , Maribelle , Isabelle , Claribella , Belladonna , Bellamy
2 Blue Chickens: Aya , Ana
2 Brown Chickens: Fran , Bow
2 Void Chickens: Yami , Kuro
2 White Chickens: Ji , Goen
4 Ducks: Tim , Min , Lin , Kim
4 Dinosaurs: Yan , Noname , Yao , Smaug
4 Rabbits: Bun , Yun , Xun , Pun
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