Mumi is married to Abigail , has no children, and has a pet cat named Ena.
2 Ducks: 南平迦楼罗 , 南平鉴黄师
3 Rabbits: 无数梦境 , 恋钟 , 小凛
1 White Chicken: 阙睿轩
3 Dinosaurs: 沙拉曼达 , Rex , 247652
1 Void Chicken: 希尔迪布兰德
1 Brown Chicken: hgame
5 Pigs: 暨言千百回 , 上月和菜 , key点 , 一个黑魔法师 , 臭狗
2 Goats: 梦梦贝利亚 , 小k
2 Brown Cows: Sorice , kazuna
1 Sheep: ehome.mmbly
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