Angelica is married to Alex , has a 528 day old son named Andrew and a 450 day old daughter named Amelia , and has a pet cat named Fnurk.
Farm horse: Saffron
1 Blue Chicken: Jay
2 Rabbits: Chinano , Spoop
2 Ducks: Zach , Keith
1 Brown Chicken: Amy
1 White Chicken: Penny
2 Dinosaurs: Felix , Spedicey
1 Void Chicken: Eugene
4 Goats: Tosumo , Charlie , Ned , Neill
4 White Cows: Sukurt , Moeses , Beverly , Bea
1 Sheep: Bernadette
6 : Goostarion , Olle , Bodger , Rambo , Lysa , JohnnyCakes
5 Pigs: Edgar , Wumbus , Truffle , Baelin , Bababooey
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