Yulii is married to Emily , has a 104 day old son named Nony , and has a pet dog named Nacho.
Farm horse: Kipers
2 White Chickens: Zutse , Picka
4 Brown Chickens: Grack , Semoverddd , Chash , Bungus
4 Dinosaurs: Stechogumby , Shicku , Juisymello , TraTraTra
1 Rabbit: Jina
1 Void Chicken: Snipurt
4 Goats: Shirtu , Kitina , Jalley , Butcher
3 Pigs: Ceckardo , Fikicko , Gusanie
4 Sheeps: Grortie , Raishe , Bruners , Trubbieee
7 Ducks: Cenelita , Wallo , Metcha , Snupi , Shupe , Fartu , Mirtu
7 Brown Cows: Bretsa , Brullo , Grackie , Sacke , Bratrina , Witie , Trurtley
5 White Cows: Shongwwwww , Nodo , Kotso , Pinono , Jenabo
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