Watey is married to Beco , has a 283 day old son named Baby and a 194 day old daughter named Florimel , and has a pet dog named Boris.
Farm horse: Sven
1 Blue Chicken: Florimel
4 Void Chickens: Gorda , Spook , Shase , Sumter
2 White Chickens: Snitsie , Chicki
9 Brown Chickens: Poppy , Alfrango , Florimel , Bling , Bling , Snelle , Florimel , Buffy , Shine
3 Ducks: Ceppo , Sumter , Karoo
3 White Cows: Money , MilyWae , Mimosa
2 Brown Cows: Daisy , MilkyWay
1 Sheep: Bobo
3 Goats: Gaspar , Tarti , Belzebub
12 Pigs: Gulliba , Grunona , Janny , Kinano , Buta , Tubba , Tati , Labbon , Preni , Pumabella , Nitcha , Troy
3 Dinosaurs: Noi , Bling , Shoma
2 Rabbits: Ghibli , Wabbut
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