Dodo is married to Sawa , has a 267 day old daughter named Jo and a 164 day old son named Joe , and has a pet dog named Kelsie.
Farm horse: Bobby
3 Dinosaurs: Funky Munky , PIELOVER69 , Drazil
2 White Chickens: Gallers , Gretello
1 Rabbit: Trubbie
3 Brown Chickens: Gutchu , Frumu , Gotchers
1 Void Chicken: Bruh
2 Blue Chickens: Blu , BIG DICK NIC
2 White Cows: Spidsbryst , Grasie
4 Goats: Jeff , Timmeeeeh , Chilbert , Stressberta
8 Pigs: Bacon , Ham , Reginald H. , Tooshee , Mr. BumBum , Zungus , Wedgie , Olfert
2 Brown Cows: Cowie , Feckaboo
2 Sheeps: *%#^les , Varguba
5 : Big Earl , Bra , Tittikaka , Hcirtso , Snitchie
12 Ducks: Pepe , Ye , Nah , Gosabella , FNEP , Surta , Kazoo , Gussie , Chutchie , Grinito , Duckonisio , Duckcesco
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