Juquinha is married to Shane , has a 47 day old son named Shulinho , and has a pet dog named Totó.
Farm horse: Pé de Pano
3 Blue Chickens: Azula , Roku , Layla
2 White Chickens: Faishe , Butabella
2 Brown Chickens: Gaso , Frotchley
2 Void Chickens: Malévola , Pintadinha
6 Goats: Greta , Marcia , Brenda , Christina , Tilda , Sheyla
3 White Cows: Piracanjuba , Ninha , Itambé
3 Brown Cows: Nescau , Italakinha , Toddy
4 Rabbits: Pernalonga , Donnie Darko , Lola , Pascoal
4 Dinosaurs: Trano , Zuckinho , Calango , Lagartixa
4 Ducks: Donald , Patolino , Margarida , Pato Fu
2 : Avis , Tutis
8 Pigs: Zatsa , Bicky , Kumbus , Natsie , Prella , Go-mo , Zalbert , Neckardo
2 Sheeps: Sheep , Rita
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