Kleros is married to Maru , has no children, and has a pet dog named Gato.
Farm horse: Jegue
2 Void Chickens: Lil Nas X , Juaum
2 White Chickens: Esquizo , Jacirene
2 Brown Chickens: Scarlett , Zimbabue
4 Ducks: Franguinho , François , Etezao , Tio Patinhas
2 Blue Chickens: Lirte , Jakie
3 Goats: Fese , Chantelle , Jurema
2 White Cows: Sabrina , Viviane
5 Pigs: Marquinhos , Ceckie , Pro , Cebrutius , MC Loma
1 Sheep: Zover
1 Brown Cow: Bullers
12 Dinosaurs: Daluncio , Ricardão , Brad Pitt , Péricles , Xupinga , Cerberus , Chorume , Wesley , Escôncio , Aracy , Vinicius , Quasimodo
12 : Zep , Capeta , Ganesha , Akshan , Frasper , Beyoncé , Ba-bell , Jernanda , Fernard , Shilly , Backody , Freppo
12 Rabbits: Jicka , Totcha , Branny , Shotche , Bob , Gillard , Jinnie , Prapurt , Prona , Snasa , Ceppo , Dentão
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