대연 is married to Emily , has a 212 day old daughter named Emilia and a 137 day old son named Henry , and has a pet cat named Alex.
Farm horse: Ferrari
1 Dinosaur: NC
2 Ducks: Hunje , Beijing
2 Brown Chickens: Jungbok , GoldenOlive
2 White Chickens: Respite , Chobok
1 Rabbit: Newtokki
1 Void Chicken: Welldone
5 Pigs: Ogyeop , Chadol , Samgyeop , Gabri , Hangjeong
1 Brown Cow: Ansim
2 Goats: Gukbab , Messi
1 : tajo
3 White Cows: Chadolbagi , Deungsim , Galmagisal
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