Loganio is married to Abigail , has no children, and has a pet cat named Anakin.
Farm horse: Ferrari
12 Dinosaurs: Gimaw , Fockos , ChrisPBacon , Jasellwwwww , what , Brisers , Tackers , how , Jema , Renanie , Memu , Lartomo
1 : #1
1 Brown Chicken: Snasabo
2 Void Chickens: Bosony , fa
1 White Chicken: Zalbert
6 Goats: Yoyo , Yo , Zunie , e , Yoyo-yo , Yoyo-yoyo
3 Brown Cows: Neg , Jellu , Jetche
3 White Cows: Fetch , Nug , Juffy
12 : Prute , Kash , Pello , Zamo , Rurtibo , Zumby , Jeppa , Benos , Winello , Bony , Frolli , Shilbert
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