Hiraya is married to Sebastian , has a 180 day old daughter named Paraluman and a 74 day old son named Dakila , and has a pet dog named Alon.
Farm horse: Mr. Apples
5 Rabbits: Fluffy , Cinnabun , Cuddles , HarryHopper , Snowball
6 Ducks: Daffy , Daisy Duck , Donald Duck , Patty , Ling , Dart
6 : Brosu , Ackee , Zusu , Riri , Dorothy , Cubbie
4 Sheeps: Snowy , Wooly , Cotton , Fuzzyface
12 Pigs: Bagnet , Hamlet , Liempo , Porkupine , Peppa , Pigtail , Pigtails , Pepper , Porkchop , Spam , Piglet , Crispy Pata
2 Brown Chickens: Albert Eggstein , Amelia Egghart
3 White Chickens: David Beakham , Abrahen Lincoln , Henifer Aniston
4 Void Chickens: Chicken Little , Yolkahontas , Darth Egger , Cluck Norris
2 Blue Chickens: Nuggets , FlappyBird
12 Dinosaurs: Nagini , Lizanardo , Charizard , Charmander , Peanut , Khaleesi , Mushu , Dino , Linguinni , Toothless , T-rex , Stormfly
5 Goats: Scape Goat , Capri-horn , Not kid-din' , Vincent VanGoat , Kebob
4 Brown Cows: Moodonna , Holy Cow , Cowhead , Moo York
3 White Cows: Mootilda , Cookies n Cream , Cowasaki
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