Leandro is married to Penny , has a 70 day old son named Evie , and has a pet dog named Traspié .
Farm horse: Pedro
6 Pigs: Punello , Trisa , Prurt , Kep , Carta , Zani
6 Sheeps: Troze , Gitchley , Zurters , Frapona , Frirdo , Gartoo
8 Brown Chickens: Casper , Pelli , Prinu , Prellu , Watsicko , Fapley , Chinley , Sname
2 White Chickens: Gretcho , Rutcha
6 Void Chickens: Troni , Meffe , Gre , Prover , Frusabell , Kong
3 Ducks: Katsurt , Lucas , Mutcha
6 Goats: Tatsu , Feppo , Surti , Rinnie , Tu , Li
3 White Cows: Jinabell , Sotsoda , Mosia
3 Brown Cows: Frimsy , Buffy , Jimanie
4 Dinosaurs: Jekick , Rex , Tretch , Gutsley
4 Rabbits: Zono , Palla , Ralbert , Pukers
4 Blue Chickens: Kacke , Jaishe , Lakie , Granu
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