Mariney is married to Maru , has a 202 day old daughter named Emma and a 124 day old son named Simon , and has a pet cat named Meow.
Farm horse: Morty
3 White Chickens: Kelly , Janaina , Fátima
3 Brown Chickens: Gary , Petúnia , Ursula
1 Void Chicken: Priscila
1 Rabbit: Tião
4 Ducks: Paulo , Leon , Tom , Paul
4 White Cows: Tarica , Beth , Simone , Vitoria
14 Pigs: Jorge , Gaguinho , Harry Porco , Avarossa , Tuco , Brian , Gangplank , Rogerinho , Princesa , Ashe , Spencer , Alcionee , Lorelei , Luna
3 Goats: Frida , Wanderleia , Meh
8 Brown Cows: Nair , Afonsoe , Teresa , Roberta , Mimosa , Michael , Beatrice , Shirley
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