Mossy's Farm

  • <
  • 10th of Spring, Year 8
  • >

Mossy (3)

Current Funds
Total Earnings
Favorite Thing
Steps Taken
Mines Depth
level 120
Cavern Depth
level 174
Time Played
210.6 hours

Mossy (3) is married to Abigail , has a 555 day old daughter named retard 1 and a 484 day old son named Retard 2 , and has a pet dog named Fatty.

Farm horse: Horse

15 White Chickens: cuatro , Uno , test2 , Besi , Weno , Fesa , Noners , Kati , Binie , Ka , Shilly , Mubba , Grullo , Zulla , Kicko

2 Dinosaurs: Dinosaur , Dino 2

1 Void Chicken: 4 void

16 Brown Chickens: test 5 , test3 , test , test4 , Comabella , Kose , Peno , Miana , Kasers , Jetcho , Prisello , Snino , Ki , Na , Feppa , Nomie

1 Rabbit: Uno Rabbit

1 Duck: Dos Duck

4 White Cows: oops cowaw , Prella , c1 , cowww

1 : 100%

3 Goats: Uno Goat , collection , Tres Goat

3 Brown Cows: cowwww , Dos Cow , cow

1 Sheep: Uno Sheep

96 Pigs: 5 Pig , 4 Pig , 10 Pig (Caut) , 2 Pig , 7 Pig , 1 Pig , 11 Pig (Dos) , 8 Pig , 9 pig (uno) , 3 Pig , 12 pig (tres) , 6 Pig , 2.2 Pig , 5.5 Pig , 10.10 Pig , 9.9 Pig , 11.11 Pig , 8.8 Pig , 4.4 Pig , 3.3 Pig , 12.12 Pig , 7.7 Pig , 1.1 Pig , 6.6 Pig , 15.3 , 9.3 , 14.3 , 10.3 , 13.3 , 18.3 , 16.3 , 8.3 , 7.3 , 12.3 , 11.3 , 17.2 , 3.4 , 3.3 , 5.3 , 6.3 , Another Pig , 4.4 , Another Pig 2 , 1.4 , 1.3 , 2.4 , 2.3 , 4.3 , 6 , 1 , 10 , [74] , 2 , 9 , 3 , 4 , 8 , [43] , 5 , 7 , e , 1.2 , S new gen 2 , 5.5 , ee , S new gen , eee , 6.66 , 3.33 , 2.2 , 4.44 , 6.6 , Brusers , Griso , Ripona , Wonique , Sona , Shamley , Snakurt , Grinana , Fack , Feppo , Pomie , Grotchi , Sano , Pinnie , Jirters , Trorta , Chiters , Jutsu , Jotia , Sotsa , Butabella , Wepoda , Chullo , Bubba


Monster Kills

Map of Mossy's Farm

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All Stardew Valley assets copyright Concerned Ape