Sulo is married to Sebastian , has a 387 day old son named Christopher and a 289 day old daughter named Clarke , and has a pet dog named Snufkin.
Farm horse: Bucky
4 Void Chickens: Voldy , Zella , Cilla , Seb
4 Blue Chickens: Sterling , Puck , Plucky , Leigh
4 Ducks: Molly , Bill , Quackson , Scoot
5 Goats: Sherb , Pashmina , Nan , Kidd , Chevre
4 Pigs: Choti , Wapie , Nungus , Wabo
4 Brown Cows: Milkshake , Flurry , Norma , Patty
3 Sheeps: Stella , Willow , Vesta
8 Dinosaurs: Ni , Nutu , Wani , Snussie , Sly , Locko , Drago , Gayle
4 Rabbits: Hopkins , Gabi , Bonbon , Pippy
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