Jaina is married to Shane , has a 132 day old son named Jackie and a 35 day old daughter named Jolene , and has a pet dog named Baby.
3 Ducks: Clove , Oregeno , Mint
2 Brown Chickens: Allspice , Paprika
2 White Chickens: Dill , Chives
5 Void Chickens: Macadamia , Cumin , Turmeric , Chutney , Gre
4 Blue Chickens: Berry , Milk , Smoothie , Mimolette
3 Rabbits: Pepper , Pickle , Parsley
2 Sheeps: Onion , Rhubarb
4 White Cows: Bay Leaves , Garlic , Nutmeg , Thyme
4 Goats: Groni , Jasaboo , Balsamic , Rice
7 Brown Cows: Sesame , Olive , Cilantro , Marmalade , Almond , Ube , Basil
2 Pigs: Truffle , Portabello
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