Nathan is married to Elliott , has a 183 day old daughter named Violeta and a 53 day old son named Arthur , and has a pet dog named Maya.
Farm horse: Spirit
1 : foosh
1 White Cow: Mimosa
1 Brown Cow: Pink
1 Void Chicken: Soko
1 Dinosaur: Stripe
2 Blue Chickens: Roier , Cellbit
2 Rabbits: Perna Longa , Ralph
1 White Chicken: Lola
2 Ducks: Donald , Patolino
2 Brown Chickens: Lilica , Zaza
2 Pigs: Chuy , Batota
5 Goats: Tullu , tata , Micka , Muckie , Nino
5 Sheeps: Timmy , Sonie , Fulgar , Shawn , Sammy
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